About Us

Who Am I?

Hi I'm Thilina Chamika.

Experienced Software Engineer with a demonstrated history of working in the information technology and services industry. Skilled in AWS, C#, ASP.NET, Core Java, Java SE, Java FX, Angular, Javascript, Typescript, React JS, Android, SQL Server and SQLite,..etc Strong engineering professional with a Computer science focused on Computer Software Engineering from the University of Colombo School of Computing.
As a person who always learns from every experience. I always seek new challenges to explore and develop myself up to a better state than I was. My curiosity, analytical mindset, open-minded attitude, and my inter-personal skill always help me to blend in, learn fast and adopt to new domains easily

Still Software developing at Pearson Lanka.

Technologies or Systems :

C#, .NET, ASP.NET, .NET Framework, FTP, AWS, React, Angular, Enzyme, Jest, SQL Server, Stored Procedures, Windows Services Implementation, Web API Development, RESTful API, ASP.NET Core, Unit Testing, Swagger, Code Translations and Compliance. System Migration (LS Platform Migration 2003 servers to 2016), VIP & iRules implementation, Mondor, JavaScript, OOP, Node.js, HTML, CSS, IIS Server. Git, GitHub, Perforce, and Newrelic, Service Now, SysLog, DLogs, CI/CD Pipeline

Duties & Responsibilities

Duties & Responsibilities

1. Software Development:

Lead and actively participated in the end-to-end software development lifecycle, including requirements analysis, design, coding, testing, deployment, and maintenance, Integrated application with IIS server, logging & monitoring applications, Continuous integration and Continuous deployment. Used the IDEs as Visual Studio and Visual Studio Code.

2. Technical Leadership

Provide technical guidance and mentorship to junior engineers, fostering a culture of knowledge sharing and continuous learning within the team.

3. Architectural Design

Contributed to the design and architecture of software systems, ensuring scalability, reliability, and maintainability while aligning with organizational goals.

4. Coding & Implementation

Written clean, efficient, and maintainable code, following best practices and coding standards. Take ownership of critical components and modules.

5. Code Reviews

Conduct and participated in code reviews to ensure code quality, consistency, and adherence to established coding guidelines.

6. Problem Solving

Analyse complex technical problems, propose innovative solutions, and drive their implementation, often involving debugging and troubleshooting.

7. Performance Optimization

Identified and addressed performance bottlenecks and inefficiencies in software applications, optimizing them for improved speed and efficiency.

8. Quality Assurance

Collaborated with quality assurance teams to ensure rigorous testing, including unit testing, integration testing, bug resolution, UAT support, system testing and regression testing, functional testing to deliver bug-free software.

9. Documentation

Created and maintain comprehensive technical documentation as confluence, including design documents, code comments, and user guides.

10. Cross-Functional Collaboration

Worked closely with cross-functional teams, including product managers, designers, and stakeholders, to translate business requirements into technical solutions.

11. Technology Evaluation

Stay updated with emerging technologies and evaluate their potential application within the organization to drive innovation.

12. Project Management

I have been an integral part of our Agile development teams, consistently adhering to Agile principles and practices. Project planning, manage tasks, deadlines, and priorities effectively, ensuring on-time delivery of projects and alignment with project management methodologies (e.g., Agile, Scrum and Kanban).

13. Security & Compliance

Adhere to security best practices and ensure software solutions comply with relevant data privacy and compliance standards, Authentication & Authorization for Identity Server, ASP.NET Identity, or OAuth 2.0/OpenID , JWT Connect for securing applications.

14. Continuous Improvement

Actively participated in retrospectives and contributed to process improvements within the software development workflow.

15. Technical Support

Provided support for production systems, troubleshoot issues, and implement timely solutions to minimize downtime.

16. Code Version Control

Utilize version control systems (e.g., Git, GitHub, Perforce) for code management and collaboration.

19. Sprint Planning

Played a pivotal role in sprint planning sessions, ensuring that user stories are well-defined, estimated accurately, and prioritized effectively.

20. Daily Stand-ups

Facilitated daily stand-up meetings, enabling efficient communication, and progress tracking among team members.

21. Backlog Refinement

Contributed to backlog refinement sessions, ensuring that product backlog items are well-groomed and ready for development.

22. Retrospectives

Facilitated retrospectives to identify areas for improvement and foster a culture of continuous improvement within the team.

23. Configuration and Customization

Successfully configured and customized JIRA to align with our specific project requirements, streamlining workflows, and automating repetitive tasks.

24. Issue Tracking

Effectively used JIRA for issue tracking, allowing for the timely resolution of bugs and the smooth progression of user stories through the development pipeline.

25. Reporting and Analytics

Generated insightful reports and dashboards in JIRA, providing stakeholders with real-time visibility into project progress and enabling data-driven decision-making.

26. Integration

Integrated JIRA with other tools, such as Confluence and third-party plugins, to create a seamless development environment.

Graphic Design

Web Design

Software Development

Application Development

I am happy to know you
that 50+ projects done sucessfully!

University Projects, Industrial Projects, Personal Projects..etc

Hire me
What I do?

Here are some of my expertise

Innovative Ideas

Innovating new things to your business or company with the most trending techniques and features


Develop stand-alone Software for any purposes


Develop both Web and Mobile applications with attractive UI designs and best developers' principles.

Graphic Design

Design illustrations, logos and other type of design with modern features and techniques

+ Mobile Apps
+ Web Applications
+ Softwares
+ Clients
My Specialty

My Skills

I think I am expert to develop mobile applications and web applications with the modern technologies, UI/UX and more other features. As well as I develop the backend API's.











Javascript/ Typescript










SQL Server


IIS Server







I got the BSc. Computer Science degree from University of Colombo School of Computing.

Graduated at 2019

I developed some software. I learnt many subjects Computer network Software Engineering Adobe Photoshop Java MySQL C# C++ HTML Database Cartoon ASP.NET and CSS programming languages. and also I learned Photoshop and Dreamweaver

2014 - 2015

Diploma in English, English Language & Literature

2014 - 2015

Combined Mathematics

2010 - 2012


Work Experience

Software Engineer 2021 Aug - 2023 May

Full-time Software Engineer at Pearson Lanka.


Projects I Contributed

Pearson Lanka (Pvt) Ltd - Ov Migration Tool - V1 Course Migration to V2 2021-Present

Under LearningStudio retirement plan, the management decided to remove the dependencies from the current gen LS wormholes. With the above decision, we, as LearningStudio team, migrate all the Open Vellum courses from OV V1 to OV V2 and remove the dependency by using this OVMigration Tool. Web API that facilitates creating Jobs to migrate Open Vellum courses from OV V1 to OV V2 and Migration Tool Windows service will select jobs created from the migration tool API and execute data migration..
Application: Windows Service
( Technologies: ASP.NET, C#, log4net, FTP, Mondor, Newrelic Version Control: Perforce )

Pearson Lanka (Pvt) Ltd - Ov Course Migration Job - Web API 2021-Present

Under LearningStudio retirement plan, the management decided to remove the dependencies from the current gen LS wormholes. With the above decision, we, as LearningStudio team, migrate all the Open Vellum courses from OV V1 to OV V2 and remove the dependency by using this OVMigration Tool.
'ovmigrationjob-api' is a Web API that facilitates creating Jobs to migrate Open Vellum courses from OV V1 to OV V2 with SMS source course Id, Destination course Id, Material version Id, and Transaction Id. Migration Tool scheduler will choose created jobs and execute OV V2 data migration. The main objective of this release is to deploy ovmigrationjob-api web API new three APIs as a part of OV V2 migration to remove Learning Studio dependencies. Web API that facilitates creating Jobs to migrate Open Vellum courses from OV V1 to OV V2 and Migration Tool Windows service will select jobs created from the migration tool API and execute data migration..
Application: Windows Service
( Technologies: ASP.NET, C#, ASP .NET Web API, log4net, FTP, Mondor, Newrelic Version Control: Perforce )

Pearson Lanka (Pvt) Ltd - Open Vellum V2 (Admin Console UI) 2021-2021

Most MLM parts are heavily dependent on Learning Studio(LS) session and the course. Remove LS dependency from the current ecosystem and to do that developing web.
Application: Web Application
application..( Technologies: React, Node.js, Enzyme, Jest, AWS App Sync API Gateway, Version Control: Gitlab)

Pearson Lanka (Pvt) Ltd - OutboundSSO Migration 2020

Migrated all SSO types into 2016 servers which are running in 2003 and 2008 servers. Added all SSO types DLL to outbound SSO site and upgraded .net framework to 4.6 within latest dependency DLLs.
Application: Web Application
( Technologies: ASP.NET, C#, log4net, Mondor, VIP and Pool Creation, iRule Implement, Newrelic. Version Control: Perforce )

Pearson Lanka (Pvt) Ltd - LAP - Learning Studio as a Platform 2019-2020

Initiation of learning studio retirement plan, some identified subsystem decide to build as a platform due to integrations of other platforms. Therefore going to build new environment with 2016 servers and subsystems rebuild/rewrite and deployed to new servers.
Application: Web Application
( Technologies: ASP.NET, C#, Mondor, VIP and pool creation, Newrelic. Version Control: Perforce)

My Work

Recent Work

Work 01

Developer App Account

100 49

Work 02

Run Fish

100 49

Work 03

Easy Recharger

100 49

Work 04

Daily Expense Tracker

100 49


Recent Blog

Get in Touch
